Truth. Everyone Has a Story...

Truth. Everyone Has a Story...

I saw a big overhead banner a few years ago in a local fast food restaurant reading “Everyone has a Story”. It immediately reached down deep into the very core of my being. It is such a powerful statement of truth no one can deny. It changed the lens of life for me from that moment forward.

What I have come to realize over time is that this statement about our stories is not complete.  Kind of like those silly commercials…”But wait...there’s more”.

Not only do we all have a story, but beneath the story we also all have a true, God given identity.

Chances are that we are not living life in the fullness of our true identity but rather from a place as a result of our own personal story...maybe we believe and live from how the world says it sees us.

The journey of life seems to have a way of distorting, concealing, and derailing the truth of our God given identity. 

If we think about the origin of our early story, from the very beginning we realize that the moment we enter this world our identity is spoken to. We hear someone declare it’s a boy or it’s a girl.  Next we are given a name. If we are a sibling there is yet another declaration of identity early on and birth order adds even more description to the declaration spoken over us.

As we grow up everyone around us has an opinion and freely offers it regarding our identity. There has been either life or death spoken in their words.

Let’s just be real here for a second and admit to ourselves that not all that has been spoken over us has been positive or even truthful. We all have a choice to speak life or death whether it is over our self or one another.

As time moves forward our story advances day by day, year by year and  the layers of our perceived identity mold us into who we are today. Our character traits are formed and the lens by which we see ourselves becomes our reality.

If we were able to go back in time, imagine how different it would be if we grew up seeing ourselves and others through a pure lens, the lens of God. Let’s imagine ourselves for a minute experiencing a life walked out based on who the Creator of the world says we are as opposed to believing who the world says we are. 

What if every time we looked in the mirror we actually saw the beautiful creation God sees. His word says we are created in His image and that we are fearfully and wonderfully made.

The closer we walk with our Creator, the more we realize our true worth. What if we walked so closely with God that there wasn’t room for the world’s calloused view of who it declares we might be. What if we chose to not allow the world to have a voice or take up space in our identity but rather chose to believe what the Creator of the universe says about us. He knows us better than we know ourselves. He loves us more than we can even imagine.

So...I challenge you to be courageous and consider the possibility of seeing yourself through God’s eyes...seeing yourself in the truth of your being. It most likely will take a new kind of courage to shake off doubts and insecurities enabling us to imagine stepping out and into the truth of who we are and the value of what we have to bring.

True identity allows us to walk in clarity, boldness and authority.

Are you ready? Let’s go...the world is waiting for you to take a good look in the mirror and see your true self. Only you can bring what He created you to bring. You are a masterpiece.


“So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.”

Genesis 1:27 NKJV

“For we are God’s masterpiece.  He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

Ephesians 2:10 NLT

Song: Masterpiece by Sandi Patty


The Pause


Watch the Giants Fall