Our Mission

Connecting women graduates of recovery programs to the people and resources they need to successfully continue on in their journey of sobriety.

Our vision

Creating a culture for women to thrive in their family and community.

Our core values


We believe in authentic and transparent relationships with one other.


We believe integrity is grounded in truth and honor.


We believe in stewarding our relationships and resources with accountability.


We believe in building trust with ourselves and others, both in word and action.


We believe in modeling excellence in every area of our lives.

  • Our clients have graduated from the protected, healing and nurturing environment provided by recovery programs. Now it’s time for them to step out into the world and build a new life with a fresh new identity. Their past has an all too familiar voice and “who they were” is an easy identity to slip back into. We partner with each woman to help them replace the voice of deception from their past identity with a new voice of truth, freeing them to courageously step forward in their new sober identity. This season of the journey can quickly become overwhelming and falling back into familiar and destructive patterns is a daily risk.

    We believe and promote self-determination and self-direction as they are foundational in learning to define one’s own life goals and the pathways to achieving them.

  • Where there is no counsel, people fall; but in the multitude of counselors there is safety. This is connection!

    Most recent studies show that the primary root causes of addiction are isolation, loneliness and despair. We provide our clients with positive life-giving connections and relationships by offering a healthy peer support system that helps them break out of the negative cycle of resignation and despair and replace it with hope. Hope is the catalyst in a successful recovery.

    Positive, life giving connection is vital on so many levels. Simply knowing that there is someone out there that cares enough to connect is life saving. That’s what we do at New Each Morning. We deliver hope through honest relationship and connection.

  • Prosperity is defined as a successful, flourishing or thriving condition. This is the goal for everyone associated with New Each Morning in every facet of life: spiritually, emotionally, relationally, physically, as well as financially.

    Healthy prosperity is a new concept and mindset for most of our clients. After experiencing a prolonged time or life of hardship, imagine what it might be like to catch a glimpse of the possibility of a flourishing future. This vision is compelling, but it is fragile and easily lost. It takes nurturing, encouragement and cultivation to help it grow into their new reality, a prosperous life.

    We bring encouragement and hope for prosperity through relationship and the truth of mercies being New Each Morning.

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of an active solution in the post recovery community.