Next Steps on the

Road to a new Life

Three main areas of focus for New Each Morning:

  • Clients are referred to New Each Morning through our partnerships with local recovery treatment agencies.

    They have successfully completed the required programs and are now ready to continue on in their new identity to live prosperous lives here in our community. Re-entry is a tough journey to do alone as the realities of everyday life become reality. Statistics report recidivism rates at 60% and higher for those exiting addiction treatment programs. We are changing that reality, one precious life at a time.

  • We connect with each woman individually to share with her about the services offered by the New Each Morning program and how we provide the critically needed post recovery support daily. Connection is KEY!

  • New Each Morning provides ongoing support for each client in a variety of ways, from the weekly one-to-one meeting with a Connection Advocate, to interview and job preparation, to “Personal Best” preparation, and more. View our Services page for more details.

There are many recovery programs in our community doing life saving work for many people, we are grateful as they are foundational on the road of recovery. However, once a woman graduates from a program the post recovery support for them is a great gap and dire need in our community!

Volunteer Opportunities

We invite you to join us in making life-changing impact and to be a part of the work we are doing through New Each Morning. Here are a few of the opportunities we welcome you to share of your time, talents, and resources.

    • Working one to one w/clients

    • Weekly meeting w/client in person

    • 3-4 points of connection weekly (text, phone call, or email)

    • 2 hours weekly commitment

    • Peer Support Training Certification through New Each Morning

    • Weekly meeting w/Executive Director

    • Outreach & connecting with community partners.

    • 2-4 hour monthly commitment

    • Organizing workshops & possible events.

    • Monthly meeting, plus the time for organizing/planning

    • Time commitment will vary

    • Do you put the FUN in fundraising? We need you!

    • Currently run 2 fundraisers a yr

    • Monthly meeting plus varying time commitment during fundraisers

    • Property/home to donate?

    • Have you just been waiting to take on a nonprofit housing project?

    • Creative ideas/solutions to contribute, let’s visit.

    • Support monthly subscriptions to Legal Shield

    • Donate haircut/styling services for New Each Morning clients.

    • 1 hr commitment per client (you determine how many)

    • Regular social media posting

    • Website updates

    • Monthly meeting

    • Minimum 1 hr weekly

If you are interested in any of the above roles, please visit the link below to download the application packet.