Equpping women with purpose

and post recovery support

Upcoming training:

Fundamentals of Peer Support

New Each Morning is now accepting applications for Peer Support Specialist (PSS), Certified Recovery Mentor (CRM) Training for Adult Addictions.

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“The opposite of addiction is not sobriety.

it is Human connection.”

-Johann Hari

New Each Morning provides that critical connection. Our volunteer Connection Advocates partner one-to-one with women graduates of recovery programs as they courageously transition into a new life, equipping them with new life skills and resources, while providing a framework of positive accountability.

Connecting Women

and Resources




connection • identity • prosperity •

Our mission

Connecting women graduates of recovery programs to the people and resources they need to successfully continue on in their journey of sobriety.

New Purpose

New Life

New Dreams

New Purpose • New Life • New Dreams •

up to 85% of people

who enter treatment programs fail to complete the programs. Out of those who graduate from treatment programs, approximately 50% fall back into the lifestyle of addiction.

Sadly, post-recovery support is virtually nonexistent.

New Each Morning was founded to address the desperate need for post-recovery support and we provide the essential next steps for recovery graduates to help assure their continuing success.

Next Steps on the Road to

a Prosperous Life

We offer weekly one-to-one connection and hands-on, practical assistance and education for personal presentation, as well as guidance in connecting with those who specialize in helping with resumes, interviews, and the career search.
We also offer assistance in various other real-life needs on their journey into the workplace or higher education.

  • Foundation For Success

    After being referred to us from a recovery program, we meet with the client and match her with a Connection Advocate.

  • Job Readiness

    Personal appearance and professional presentation are critical in building ones confidence in working to secure employment.

  • Ongoing Support

    It takes the support of many people and a multitude of resources to provide this kind of life-giving connection.

Community Resource Partners

Connection is a precious gift and powerful tool we can all offer.

We invite you to join us in making life-changing impact and to be a part of the work we are doing through New Each Morning.

Bridging the Gap

Bridging the Gap

Connection brings hope

client support with
Connection advocates

Connection Advocates provide the support system for clients navigating post-recovery and building a new life.

Meet our leadership

New Each Morning is supported by individuals who are passionate about bridging the gap between recovery and a prosperous life in Central Oregon.

Join us in being part

of an active solution in the post recovery community.