Watch the Giants Fall

It is very likely that you have heard the phrase, be careful what you wish for.  Right? I want you to pause for a moment and think back to a time when you have either spoken this phrase or remember someone declaring it in a conversation.  Do you remember the outcome whether positive or negative? 

I have dreamed of and wished for a time when I could one day use my long time career as a hair designer for a greater purpose.  I dreamed of “cutting hair for a greater cause” so to speak. My heart’s desire was to have each of my clients pay for the services they received by financially supporting a certain organization in our community.  In dreaming about this I even wondered which organization I might select or maybe it would be a different one each month...who knows. I dreamed about the impact and difference we would be able to make collectively in our community because of a service that would happen anyway.  It also brought joy to think about how much more fulfilled my clients would feel when they left the salon not only on the outside but in their hearts as well because of knowing they had a part in contributing to a greater purpose. There is just something life-giving in knowing you are making an investment in another’s life for the better. It brings out a whole different kind of beautiful.

I actually shared this dream out loud with a few of my clients over the years. To be honest it was a bouquet of responses.  Some caught the vision and dreamed with me, some looked at me like I was crazy while others just had a blank stare not knowing how to respond. I chose to believe those moments were seeds planted in their hearts to possibly begin to revisit their own dreams and what those would be. I may never know, but I hope in my heart this to be truth.  

As life happens and time passes the reality of daily life carries on and the demands of the day somehow seem to override the dreams and desires planted in the heart.  Day by day leads into months and pretty soon years have passed. The passing of time however doesn’t mean that the dreams and desires are not still present, still planted deep inside.  

Not that I have ever planted a garden but I liken it to our dreams being seeds sown in the soil of life, hidden for a period of time without anyone even knowing the seeds/dreams exist because they appear buried.  Time is actually a soil in our lives. Seeds are planted along the journey of life and over time the opportunity to sprout and bear fruit happens. Just like a garden, the outcome is dependant on how fertile the soil is, the exposure to external elements and how well it is nurtured, nourished and cared for.  

Can you relate? Hopefully you are beginning to remember a few of the pushed aside hopes and dreams you may once have had in the past? Or maybe, you too are in a place where you believe your dream is about to sprout? Hold’s very likely that your dream is sprouting for such a time as this.  Prepare to grow my friend as your dream unfolds. Which brings me back to that old statement “be careful what you wish for”.  

I have heard it said that if your dreams don’t scare you, they are not big enough!  Realizing a dream bigger than you are is a season of the journey. When one finally begins to speak about the dream out loud, voicing desire and commitment to take action the season changes.  This is where the giants begin to surface. Giants manifest in many various forms and typically begin between our ears, in otherwards in our own mind. Maybe they manifest as fear, lack of self worth or rejection. Are the “giants” robbing you of your power to go forth with the dream?  The voices of the giants are typically voices from the past that will pipe up and attempt to kill the dream. This is a great place to stop and remind ourselves of another truth, the bigger the battle the bigger the victory.  

So all this to share with you that it is time for my dream to sprout.  My personal soil of time has been through storms, droughts, repotting and finally nourished for such a time as this.  As it turns out, the rate of growth I have been experiencing is evidence that it has been fertilized with Miracle Grow!  

The growing season changed when I declared out loud I was moving forward with my dream.  At that moment I realized, oh my gosh a shift just took place, revelation and huge awareness that now I have to put action to the words I had just spoken about my dream going into motion.  Scared to death...way bigger than me, and so sprouted the dream of the non-profit New Each Morning, 

Giants, like weeds pop up EVERYWHERE when dream seeds have sprouted into declarations of growing forward.  The voices of giants piped up all over trying to convince me to abandon the dream. How could someone like me ever be successful in this way...who was I kidding!  

Even in those moments of doubting myself there are many things I can be sure of.  God’s word is true and He is faithful. He is my strength. He has given me the Helmet of Salvation, empowering me to take every thought captive under the blood of Jesus, choking out the lies of doubt as if they were surfacing like weeds in the garden.  

My you find courage, strength and peace in moving forward with your dreams as a result of reading this message and the encouragement of the scripture and song below.  

Your are beautiful...your are loved and cherished...and you have a purpose no one else can deliver.  May you walk in the truth of this!

The Lord himself goes before me and will be with me; he will never leave me nor forsake me.  Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged. Deuteronomy 31:8

Do you remember the story of David and Goliath? 

1 Samuel 17

I have included this link in case you want to read about David, the stones and the giant.  It isn’t just for kids in Sunday is for us here and now.  

Francesca Battistelli’s song “Giants Fall” is such powerful encouragement and strength to hold on to.  I hope you will listen to her song on the link below.  

Song: Giants Fall by Francesca Battistelli 

May your dreams have new life if they have been in a dormant season, may you be encouraged to go forth in faith.  Most likely these dreams have been placed within you by the one who created you. He is waiting for you to step into the truth of your being and trust Him.  You have things to bring to this world that only you can bring. One of the things I am sure of, you have been placed in this time out of design and you have been created for such a time as this. So dream bigger than yourself.  Wish for it girl...wish for it!


Truth. Everyone Has a Story...