Coming Soon

Coming Soon •

Peer Support Specialist Training

New Each Morning offers Peer Support Specialist training to our Connection Advocates and the recovery community at large.


Peer Support Specialists (PSS) offer encouragement, practical assistance, guidance, and understanding to support recovery. PSS workers walk alongside people in recovery, offering individualized help and hope.

They share tools that can complement or replace clinical approaches by providing strategies for self-empowerment and achieving a self-determined life. They encourage people in recovery to connect with their own inner strength, motivation, and desire to move forward in life, even when experiencing challenges. 


For PSS workers, Core Competencies reflect certain foundational principals identified by members of the mental health consumer and substance use disorder recovery communities.

These principals are:

  • Peer Support Specialists hold out hope to those they serve, partnering with them to envision and achieve a meaningful and purposeful life. Peer workers help those they serve identify and build on strengths and empower them to choose for themselves, recognizing that there are multiple pathways to recovery.

  • PSS services are always directed by the person participating in services. Peer recovery support is personalized to align with the specific hopes, goals, and preferences of the individual served and to respond to specific needs the individuals has identified to the peer worker.

  • PSS workers are partners of consultants to those they serve. They do not dictate the types of services provided or the elements of recovery plans that will guide their work with peers. Participation in peer recovery support services are always contingent on peer choice.

  • The relationship between the PSS worker and the peer is the foundation on which PSS services and support are provided. The relationship between the PSS worker and peer is respectful, trusting, empathetic, collaborative, and mutual.

  • PSS utilizes a strengths-based framework that emphasizes physical, psychological, and emotional safety and creates opportunities for survivors to rebuild a sense of control and empowerment.

In the completion of this Peer support Specialist Training (PSS), you will receive Oregon Health Authority (OHA) certification as a Traditional health worker, Peer Support Specialist.

You will have a clear understanding of the following:

NO. 1

Engaging peers in collaborative and caring relationships

Emphasizing PSS workers’ ability to initiate and develop on-going relationships, and include interpersonal skills, knowledge about recovery from behavioral health conditions and attitudes consistent with a recovery orientation.

NO. 2

Providing Support

The competencies in this category are crucial for the PSS worker to be able to provide the mutual support people living with behavioral health conditions may want.

NO. 3

Sharing lived experiences of recovery

PSS workers must be skillful in telling their recovery stories and using their lived experiences as a way of inspiring and supporting a person living with behavioral health conditions.

NO. 4

Personalizing peer support

These competencies help PSS workers to tailor or individualize the support services provided to and with a peer. By personalizing PSS support, the PSS worker operationalizes the notion that there are multiple pathways to recovery.

NO. 5

Supporting recovery planning

Recovery often leads people to want to make changes in their lives. Recovery planning assists people to set and accomplish goals related to home, work, community, and health.

NO. 6

Linking to resources, services, supports

PSS workers apply these competencies to assist other peers to link to resources or services both within behavioral health settings and in the community. It is critical that PSS workers have knowledge of resources within their communities as well as on-line resources.

NO. 7

Providing information about skills related to health, wellness, and recovery

These competencies describe how PSS workers coach, model, and provide information about skills that enhance recovery. In addition, they recognize PSS workers have knowledge, skills, and experiences to offer others in recovery and that the recovery process often involves learning and growth.

NO. 8

Helping peers to manage crises

These competencies assist PSS workers to identify potential risks and to use procedures that reduce risks to peers and others. PSS workers may have to manage situations, in which there is intense distress and work to ensure the safety and well-being of themselves and other peers.

NO. 9

Valuing communication

These competencies provide guidance on how PSS workers interact verbally and in writing with colleagues and others. These competencies suggest language and processes used to communicate and reflect the value of respect.

NO. 10

Supporting collaboration and teamwork

Providing direction on how PSS workers can develop and maintain effective relationships with colleagues and others to enhance the peer support provided. These can include not only interpersonal skills but also organizational skills.

NO. 11

Promoting leadership and advocacy

These competencies describe actions that PSS workers use to provide leadership within behavioral health programs to advance a recovery-oriented mission of the services. They also guide PSS workers on how to advocate for the legal and human rights of other peers.

NO. 12

Promoting growth and development

These competencies describe how PSS workers become more reflective and competent in their practice. The competencies recommend specific actions that may serve to increase PSS workers’ success and satisfaction in their current roles and contribute to career advancement.

Group Training Opportunity, Coming Soon!

New Each Morning will soon offer group training, which will be offered to recovery treatment programs and others desiring to be support in the recovery community.

Stay tuned for details.

Bridging the gap between recovery and a Prosperous Life

We invite you to partner with us as we continue to build a bridge in the everyday work we are doing through New Each Morning.